Thursday, May 7, 2009

SOA-OID Integration

Steps to configure Oracle BPEL PM and OID:

Step 1: Perform Pre-configuration Procedures

1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console: http://hostname:port/em

2. Click the OC4J instance name in the Members section OC4J: oc4j_name page appears

3. Click the Administration tab

4. Go to the Security section in the Task Name column

5. Click the icon in the Go to Task column for Identity Management and configure the OID host and port as show below:

6. Click the icon in the oc4j_name link

7. Click the icon in the Go to Task column for Security Providers
Application names --> Security Provider changed to Oracle Identity Management Security Provider as shown in the figure below:
* Orabpel
* BPELPortlet
* hw_services
* worklist
* deploy_service

8. If the password is not alpha-numeric do the following: Set Number of Numeric characters to "0".

Step 2: Perform Configuration Procedures

1. Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the root directory of the Oracle Application Server instance being configured.
Example: set ORACLE_HOME = c:\soa

2. cd SOA_Oracle_Home/bpel/system/services/install/ant-tasks

3. configure_oid.bat oid_admin_user oid_admin_passwd oid_nonssl_port ssl_enabled oid_realm_name seedAllUsers seedRequiredUsers oc4j_admin_user oc4j_admin_passwd oc4j_container_name

Example: configure_oid.bat orcladmin welcome1 389 false gen2 seedAllUsers oc4jadmin welcome1 oc4j_soa

On Successful build: The execution of this command internally modifies the SOA_Oracle_Home/bpel/system/services/config/is_config.xml file. The file contents look as follows:

<?xml version ='1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<ISConfiguration xmlns="">
<configuration realmName="gen2" displayName="gen2 Realm">
<provider providerType="JAZN" name="OID" service="Identity">
<connection url="ldap://" binddn="cn=orcladmin" password="blah!==" encrypted="true"/>

4. If the build fails for reasons below:
[echo] Granting Server privileges to BPMSystemAdmin role...
[java] May 04, 2008 9:46:17 AM
Module authenticate
[java] SEVERE: [RealmLoginModule] authentication failed
[java] Authentication Failed

It was because there was an old account with same username (such as bpeladmin, oc4jadmin) on the OID server. The setup script tried to authenticate with the old accounts with different passwords and failed. The solution is to delete and re-create those accounts, and reset the passwords.

5. Configure OID as shown in the figure below:

6. Create Users jcooper, jstein etc

7. Assign the users created in step #6 above to BPMPublic group as shown in the figure below:

8. Navigate to SOA_Oracle_Home/bpel/system/services/config/ wf_client_config.xml ,
Change the following setting:

<!-- specifies the mapping for portal realm to is_config realm-->

9. Navigate to C:\soa\j2ee\home\config\jazn.xml and change the following to:

<jazn xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0" provider="LDAP" location="ldap://" default-realm="gen2" >

10. Navigate to C:\soa\j2ee\home\config\jazn.xml and change the following to:

<jazn xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0" provider="LDAP" location="ldap://" default-realm="gen2" >

I would like to thank Pieter, Mark and Clarence for their contribution.

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